Things to Do Around the World

by connal on September 2, 2009


I’m sure that we’re going to visit a number of pretty well known tourist destinations – just because a lot of people visit the Taj Mahal, doesn’t mean it’s not amazing – however, we’re also hoping to find lesser known or personally interesting stops along the way. Like a 600 year old Irish Monastery on a rocky little island or a museum of soviet era video games.

As we started researching where to go and what to do, we kept finding great ideas and writing them down, but didn’t really have any idea of where they actually were in relation to one another. So we created a Google Map of points of interest. We won’t see all of these, and we’ll see other things that don’t make it on the map, but here’s a bunch of things we’ve found that seem worth checking out.

Have any other suggestions? Please let us know!

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